Ben Franklin Technology Partners has earned international acclaim as the gold standard in technology-based economic development. The risks associated with underfunding the centers are clear.
Why Ben Franklin Technology Partners is fighting for more state funding
Ryan Glenn, Director of Statewide Initiatives Discusses Tech Innovation on Comcast Newsmakers
Business starter Ben Franklin says state funding shortfall puts Pennsylvania growth at risk
The Daily Item: Without funding innovation, we risk falling behind
Network Magazine: It’s time to restore funding to PA’s tech-based job-creation engine
Ben Franklin Technology Partners Testify before Senate Appropriations Committee Philly: The numbers behind Ben Franklin Technology Partners’ statewide impact
Study: Ben Franklin Grew Pa.’s Economy by $4.1 Billion, Created 11,407 Jobs from 2012 to 2016
Reading Eagle: Ben Franklin Technology Partners brings small victories
PBJ: Despite drop in state funding, Ben Franklin Tech Partners boosted GSP by $4.1B since 2006
SSTI: BFTP programs boost PA economy by $4.1 billion over five years
Bloomsburg Press Enterprise: Tech startups require state funding
Hazelton Standard-Speaker: Invest in homegrown tech companies
Utah Policy: National policy makers & experts stress need for technology-based economic development
Reading Eagle: Letter: Economic effort needs more funds
Lancaster Online: Maintain tech-based economic growth